Supp-LIE Chain: How IoT is delivering TRUTH

Featuring interviews with industry experts in automation and logistics on the innovations that increase accuracy and efficiency in Supply Chain: Aid Equipment, Hollingsworth, Leaf Logistics, and Tive. The modern supply chain industry relies on a set of extremely powerful tools for keeping up with customer demand. Autonomous robots carry our products across warehouses. Sensors and… Continue reading Supp-LIE Chain: How IoT is delivering TRUTH

The 5 Senses of Sensors

How IoT is able to replicate and manufacture the 5 senses and beyond. Featuring interviews with VANTIQ, Sensome, Pensa Systems, Naked Labs, Genki Instruments, Tanvas, and Microshare. Sensing technology has become so mature that it is now indispensable to modern life as we know it. Advanced sensor networks are used in many different fields and… Continue reading The 5 Senses of Sensors

Why Machine Learning is Central to Reverse Supply Chain 2.0

E-commerce growth and a worldwide pandemic have brought to light the inefficiencies in the modern supply chain, especially the return process. The current return process is costly, inefficient, and wasteful. The following article explores how enabling efficient returns through reverse supply chain development can bring savings and operational improvements. Most companies are failing to get… Continue reading Why Machine Learning is Central to Reverse Supply Chain 2.0

Business Intelligence Data Science Prediction

E-commerce growth and a worldwide pandemic have brought to light the inefficiencies in the modern supply chain, especially the return process. The current return process is costly, inefficient, and wasteful. The following article explores how enabling efficient returns through reverse supply chain development can bring savings and operational improvements. Most companies are failing to get… Continue reading Business Intelligence Data Science Prediction

The Data Race Against The Pandemic, Together

How ML and data were crucial in fighting COVID-19 in 2020 as a united global community. 2020 was a year like no other. The global pandemic brought along countless challenges for governments, health organizations, and frontline workers. As the virus rapidly spread across continents and lockdown measures hardened on a weekly basis, an entire world… Continue reading The Data Race Against The Pandemic, Together

Snowflake and AWS Partnership Update Improves Delivery and Demand Forecasting

If you’re an Amazon seller, you know the importance of data to select what products to list on the market. As expenses and savings increase for different products, navigating through market needs and offering exactly what your audience seeks depends heavily on data, and today we have big news on these services! Snowflake, the advanced… Continue reading Snowflake and AWS Partnership Update Improves Delivery and Demand Forecasting